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Protecting Our Forests

In recent years, there has been a decline of our world’s forest. The famous Amazon rain forest located in Brazil was reported to have experienced a wild fire in 2019 and parts of Australia have experienced bush fires. The decline of forests does not end with just some trees disappearing. It is said that if this keeps on going, it would result in the loss of many species of fauna and flora around the world.

            Forests are declining due to many reasons. The number of trees in each forest around the world is getting reduced every year. Be it due to deforestation or through natural means. This leads to more problems, such as climate change and flooding, which result in more trees disappearing. Apart from that, as our society evolves, we end up needing more materials. Forests are also decreasing because of over-farming for resources and excessive removal for new infrastructures. These are problems that must be dealt with to stop forests from diminishing.

            There are many reasons as to why forests need to be protected. We should protect forests because we get the air we need from the trees. Another is because of the wood we use to make things. Animals also live in these forests. Apart from converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, trees also prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change. These are some of the reasons why we should preserve and take care of our forests.

            Because of the decline of our forests, we have decided to list possible things that we can do to help protect our forests. Using paper wisely, recycling paper, or reusing paper is one of the easiest ways to do it. If you have been watching MrBeast, a famous YouTuber, sometime in January, you may have known about the TeamTrees program whose goal is to plant 20 million trees before 2020 ends. Though it is impossible to plant 20 million trees alone in a short amount of time, they made it possible because a lot of people supported the project. As individuals, we may plant trees depending on how many trees we can grow. If you believe that you don’t have enough funds, you may instead encourage your friends and family to try and live a way that doesn’t contribute to the decline of trees. Every little bit of help is worth it.

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